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C.L.A.S.S. 101–Discovering Church Membership (ongoing) Simply go to our website at and look under the Home tab.  There you will find all the information about becoming a Covenant Partner at FPC. (Link: or if you prefer a DVD set of the videos, please see Pastor Barksdale.  There will be a brief orientation meeting after church in the Conference Room on Jan 9.


C.L.A.S.S. 301 -Discovering My Ministry, Sunday (9:15-10:15), Jan 16- Feb 27 God did not design ministry for just a few with seminary degrees. At FPC, we believe that every member of our church is a minister. During 301 you will learn how God can use your Spiritual Gifts, your Heart (passions), your Abilities, your Personality and your Experiences to minister to the needs of others. God gives you gifts to use to build up His Church. God also gave you passion for particular activities and subjects. Having the heart for specific things, people or circumstances is to be used to guide us into a ministry that we really care about. In 301, you will be shown how to assess your abilities, gifts and passions to see where in ministry you will love to serve. Facilitated by Bev Brady.


C.L.A.S.S. 201- Discovering Spiritual Maturity, Sunday (9:15-10:15), Mar 6-27 In Colossians we read, "That you may become mature Christians and that you may fulfill God's will for you." That's what God wants us to do, to become mature believers. In Ephesians we read,  "We are not meant to remain as children but to grow up in every way into Christ." In this CLASS we're going to focus on four basic habits that every Christian needs to develop in order to grow to spiritual maturity. This class will equip you with the skills you need to begin these habits and will explain the tools you will need to continue these habits. Facilitated by John Evans.

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